Mercy Johnson Shares Christmas Love
While some of her colleagues are posting controversial Christmas cards and others flaunting family pictures to celebrate the season, sultry actress Mercy Johnson Okojie has sent a ‘thank and love you’ note to all her fans for standing by her all through the ending year.“Year 2013 has been an incredible year for me. I couldn’t ask for more. It is one year I won’t forget in a hurry. My fans were amazing. They stood by me and took on my fight. The critics played their part too. I took the constructive ones, made adjustments and became a better person,” the actress said.
She noted that social media, Twitter especially, played significant role in her reaching out directly.
“To the teaming fans on Twitter and other platforms, this is for you; thank you for loving, tolerating and being there for me.
She added: “How can I forget 2013, the year I had the honour of being the most searched Nollywood actress for the third consecutive year. I am most grateful to the fans who worked the keyboard or keypad reading about me online.”