"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Love is practicalised by given. There is no other evidence greater than this. As you are celebrating, remember the less priviledge, the Widows, Orphans, the poor, etc.
God created the Universe and everything
there in;
He is a giver of lives
He does not want a sinner to die but to repent.
He speaks to us in plain language, because he loves us.
He allows sun, rain, etc. to benefit everybody.
Above all, use every opportunity to tell people about the provision of God through Jesus Christ. Propagate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The essence of celebrating Christmas is to remind us of the love of God and to enable us re-examine ourselves, by finding out whether we are doing His will. God had invested a lot on us. What are we doing in return?
There is no dispute about the birth of Jesus Christ. There is no controversy that He is alive, 'cause He is the only one having empty sepulcher.
In conclusion, your status, position, complexion, language, tribe, etc. have nothing to do with your final destination, hereafter. But your relationship with Jesus Christ- God's Solution.
Merry Christmas!!!