There is a common saying, "show me your friend and I will tell the type of person you are". In a nutshell, to be successful in life; you need to be a friend of successful people. The Scripture says, "can two walk together except they be agreed"- Amos 3:3. Whatever you want to be in this world, develop a relationship in that regard.
There are dos and don'ts of relationship
Don`t try too hard to convince the other person of your love. Love and trust yourself more. This will relax your love defences and enable you to give yourself totally to relationship.
- Don`t question the other person`s love all the time.
- Feel the oneness of the universe, step beyond the `me first` conflicts that mar relationships.
- Don't pretend to be what you are not.
- Understand that there are individual differences.
- Accept your partner for who he is.
- Respect your partners' opinion.
- Don`t use your relationships to fulfil your expectations.
- Know yourself. Analyse the cause of your reactions.
- Acknowledge the other person as an individual. Grow and let grow.
- In a conflicting relationship, check where you went wrong rather than where the other person failed.
- Listen to each other.
- Communication strengthens the foundation of a relationship.
- Take the first step in working out a relationship without worrying about who is in the right.
- Don`t depend on any person and don`t let the other person depend on you.