Ruminate over these marriage do(s) and don't(s):
*Resolve issues as quickly as possible.
*Do not let anger or resentment fester or carry on till the next day.
*Pray together as often as possible. "The family that pray together, stay together ".
*Eat together with your wife.
*Share the same bed with your wife.
*Don't keep much friend, and be careful with the friends you keep.
*Communicate regularly.
*Live exemplary lives.
*Recognise that your wife is different from you and that you cannot change the essence of who she is – only God can.
*Know that none of you is an angel.
*Always remember your first love.
*Never compare your spouse with any other person.
*Accept her for who she is – strengths, weaknesses and all.
*Discover and utilise her primary love language.
*Tolerate her especially when you don’t understand her.
*Defer to her in areas where she is stronger, smarter or better than you.
*Respect her opinion even though you may disagree sometimes.
*Prioritise her above the children.
*Be open about any concerns you may have over any issue.
*Gauge her mood and choose the right moment to raise important issues
*Extend mercy and grace to her and also forgive always.
*Appeal to God when nothing she does makes sense to you.
*Challenge her to become her best self.
*Talk, listen, wait, negotiate and pray until two of you can agree.
*Give your wife space sometimes because girls will be girls and boys will be boys.
*Meet her needs so that she can meet yours too.
*One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is to love their mother unconditionally.
*Keep family issues in the family and not expose your family to in-laws and outlaws.
Just have fun and enjoy the journey as much as I can every day
I hope that this has helped you in some way or the other. You can have your marriage as God intended originally.
It's not late, you can make it better. Go, make it happen!