For nearly a year with next to no luck, General Ulysses S. Grant
tried to crack the defenses of Vicksburg,
a city perched high on the cliffs of the Mississippi critical to the
Confederacy’s stranglehold on the most important river in the United
States. He tried attacking head-on. He tried to go around. He spent
months digging a new canal that would change the course of the river. He
blew the levees upstream and literally tried to float boats down into
the city over flooded land.
None of this worked. All the while, the newspapers chattered. Months
had gone by without progress. President Abraham Lincoln had sent a
replacement, and the man was waiting in the wings. But Grant refused to
be rattled, refused to rush or cease working on this strategy. He knew
there was a weak spot somewhere. He would find it or he would make one.
Related: 4 Fighting Instincts to Succeed in Business and Life
Today's entrepreneurs and executives face leadership
challenges quite different than those encountered during the
Civil War. Investors
might be chattering about removing a founder from a company's board of
directors. A rival might suddenly take away the competitive advantage of
a new business. The going can be rough as Netscape co-founder
Marc Andreessen once said of startup life:
“You only ever experience two emotions: euphoria and terror. And I find
that lack of sleep enhances them both.” In an entrepreneurial
environment where
three out of four venture-backed startups fail, the solutions to business problems may not always be readily apparent.
Yet modern business leaders have a way to respond to these obstacles: indefatigable
persistence, a quality that Ulysses S. Grant demonstrated in spades.
Grant’s next move ran contrary to most conventional military theory.
He decided to run his boats past the gun batteries guarding the river --
a considerable risk, because once down, they could not easily reverse
direction. Despite an unprecedented nighttime firefight, nearly all the
boats made the run unharmed. A few days later, Grant crossed the river
about 30 miles downstream at the appropriately named Hard Times, La.
His plan was bold: Leaving most supplies behind, his troops lived off
the land and made their way through the state, taking town after town,
including Jackson, the capital, along the way. By the time Grant laid
siege to Vicksburg, the message to his men and his enemies was clear: He
would never give up. The defenses eventually cracked. Grant became
unstoppable. His victory wasn’t pretty, but it was almost inexorable.
To overcome obstacles and make entrepreneurial dreams a reality,
broadcast this message internally and externally: We will not be stopped
by failure. We will not be rushed or distracted by external noise. We
will chisel and peg away at the obstacle until it is gone. Resistance is
Related: Why Entrepreneurs Should Plan for Failure, Not Success
At Vicksburg, Grant learned two things. First, persistence and
pertinacity were incredible assets and probably his main ones as a
leader. Second, in exhausting all other traditional options, he had been
forced to try something new. That option -- cutting loose from his
supply trains and living off the spoils of the land in hostile territory
-- was a previously untested strategy that the North could now use to
slowly deplete the South of its resources and will to fight.
With his persistence, Grant not only broke through; he discovered a
totally new way -- the way that would eventually win the war.
Grant’s story is not the exception to the rule. It is the rule. This is how
innovation works.
Many people think that great victories like Grant’s come from a flash
of insight, that he cracked the problem with pure genius. But it was
the slow pressure, repeated from many different angles, the elimination
of so many other more promising options, that slowly and surely churned
the solution to the top. The genius was unity of purpose, deafness to
doubt and the desire to stay at it.
researchers from Drexel and Northwestern universities have
found that while an insight may seem to arrive suddenly, it may result
from “the culmination of a series of brain states and processes
operating at different time scales.” So persistent concentration and
looking at an obstacle from every angle can lead someone to have an
“aha!” moment as the solution is dug up from the brain.
Related: Is Competition a Catalyst for Innovation?
Thomas Edison once said about the invention process, “the first step
is an intuition -- and comes with a burst -- then difficulties arise.”
But working through the subsequent dips can lead an entrepreneur to
eventual success:
A recent study from Harvard Business School
discovered “performance persistence” in venture-backed startups;
entrepreneurs who passed through the trials of startup life and thrived
were more likely to succeed than those who had not.
So when encountering obstacles, picture Grant with a cigar clenched
in his mouth with unceasing, cool persistence and the line from the
Alfred Lord Tennyson poem about that other Ulysses: “to strive, to seek,
to find.” Grant simply refused to give up, turning over in his mind
option after option, and trying each one with equal enthusiasm knowing
that eventually one would work.
When persistence finally leads out of entrepreneurial struggles to
that one option that works, it's possible to find within it, not only a
measure of true strength but a breakthrough to new and better way of
doing things.