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First lady receives plea from daughter of unemployed man

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Washington (CNN) - The children of Executive Office employees crowded into the East Room of the White House on Thursday to ask first lady Michelle Obama a question as part of the White House’s annual celebration of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.
While most children used their question to ask Obama about her favorite food or drink or place to travel, one young girl seated in the front row took the opportunity to try to help her unemployed father.

“My dad's been out of a job for three years and I wanted to give you his resume,” the young girl quietly said, before handing the first lady a folded piece of paper.

Taking the paper, Obama hugged the little girl and whispered something to her away from the microphone. Many of the other children in the audience, unable to hear what the girl had said, immediately asked the first lady what their exchange had been about.

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