According to News Naij,
Conrad was said to have worn a black face which makes him look like a typical black man to commit his crimes.
A black man in the State was wrongfully accused and arrested for one of the six robberies carried out by Conrad.
Zdzierak's masked resemblance to the black man was so similar that some witnesses even identified a photo of the black man as the one who robbed them.
The mother of the wrongly accused man even thought a photo of the robbery suspect she saw on television was that of her son.
Zdzierak was arrested at a hotel after his girlfriend called police when she saw reports of the robbery and found two masks and money stained by dye that is used to track robbers. Conrad pleaded guilty on Monday and has been charged to court.
In all, he stole $15,000 when he robbed four banks, a credit union and a pharmacy that occurred in March and April last year. He faces up to 35 years in prison if found guilty.