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The great commission

The great commission is known as the assignment or work committed into the hands of Christians to preach the good news of Jesus Christ to the World. Bringing back the World to their Creator, letting them knowing the love of God. Reminding them that there is an end to everything in this world. Reminding them of eternity, leading them to make a good choice.

Personal evangelism should be the compelling responsibility of every believer and it consists in showing a sinner his need of Christ as the Saviour, to a definite experience of the new birth as well as showing him how to continue in the experience, so that he might escape God's judgment.

Children who have reached the age of accountability be biblically, pictorially and prayerfully brought to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and seen through to adolescence in the same experience through training and in the Scriptures.

We go to the uttermost parts of the earth to reach every creature with the good news of the kingdom, using both the traditional and technologically advanced means of communication properly adapted to reach various communities and classes of people in our world at their different levels of development.

The gospel message and materials be carried by travelling believers and presented to "every creature" that uses the various available carriages. Therefore, deliberate efforts should be made to develop acceptable and adaptable programmes by believers to reach these travellers with the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To effectively evangelize a community and conserve the fruit of evangelism, viable churches must be planted within the geographical and socio-cultural reach of everyone. Church planting programme be  effectively and efficiently executed for maximum fruitfulness and results to ensure the stability of the new congregation and facilitate the process of disciplining the new members.

New convert, who have just come to the kingdom, be nourished up and trained in spiritual concepts for the establishment of their faith and full integration to the Body of Christ. The young Christian be trained in basic spiritual concepts in order to bring stability into his spiritual life and fruitfulness to his Christian witness.

Newly planted churches should be nurtured for continuity and sustainable growth whereby, members are taught to live victoriously and envisioned to reproduce new churches after their kind.


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