

Everything seems to be against you. It's as if you were alone in the Universe. None seems to understand your situation. Like Job, your friends turns out to be troublesome comforters. They said you are the cause of your misfortune, and you seem to agree with them. You look around and nothing seem to be encouraging in your life.

Pause there, as you are taking stock of bad things in your life, have you considered the positive aspects of your life? You have seen many of your contemporaries, who are well to do and better off. Haven't you seen many of your mates that are worst off. Many of your contemporaries are no more, though they were great achievers, they are no more. The worst of it, the fruits of their labours are being squandered. Have you considered those that are alive but of no good health? They are ready to trade their success for good health.
There are thousands of people praying to be exactly like you, such is life.

Challenges of life are spices of life. They are energizing life to go ahead and wax strong. Don't see your challenges as unsummontable problems, they came, they shall go. Take stock of every successful man or woman around you, every one of them has his or her own challenges.

Death is not the way out of your problem, rather your death will surely complicate the issue. When you die, no more hope of success for you. Your copse becomes problem for the living. So also, being depressed is not the solution. The best way out is for you to look at those that are not up to you in achievement. Then meditate on the possible way out of your presence situation. No matter how serious the situation might be, there is expiring date for everything.

You are not a mistake, you were created for a purpose. Now you might not be recognised. Don't be discouraged, you are on the way to become what you are destined to become.
1.   Discover your area of strenght, dwell on the area and develop it the more.
2.   Find a mentor in your area of interest.
3.   Read books about your area of interest.
4.   Pray always about your area of interest.
5.   Be yourself, don't pretend to be what you are not.
If you are trying to become another person, you are not original, but a duplicate of the original you are trying to immitate.

"Happiness is not a state of being. It is a state of consciousness, that creates our state of being." God created you to be the original, not duplicate, photocopy or immitation.
You are original and unique, not a photocopy. Just like the 'finger print', no two individual have the same 'finger print'. Whenever Satan shows you ten reasons to be depressed, show him ten thousand reasons to be happy. Read your Bible, meditate on it day and night, there you get inspirations.
Nobody can be exactly like you, you are unique.
Where there is will, there is way.
Think IT,
Pursue IT,
Believe IT and
You will become IT.

Never should you allow fear to stop you.
FEAR is a dream killer.

It is the accronym of
F: Fake
E: Evidence
A: Appearing
R: Real

Those things that seem to be barriers are stepping stones to greatness.
Oppositions might come along the way, they are to energize you for  success.
Wake up the giant in you for great exploit.
But for the Goliath that came on the way of David, he might died a Shepherd.
But for the conspiracy of Joseph's brothers, he might be a spoilt and pampered child in his father's house.
But for the conspiracy against Daniel, he might not be favoured.
But for conspiracy against the three Hebrews, they might not be freed to serve their God.
What you are experiencing now that seems to be odd, will soon be forgotten. Every problem has it expiring date.

